🌸 DeepCath News April 2023 🐰
🇨🇭 Switzerland in the spotlight 🇨🇭
We welcome the Geneva University Hospitals (HUG) to the DeepCath project thanks to Doctor Niccolò BUETTI, infectious disease specialist.
📖 Definition of immunosuppression 📖
We specify here the definition of immunosuppression validated by our promoter OUTCOMEREA.
This item is to be filled in when you add a new photo.
Patient has received treatment that suppresses resistance to infection e.g. immunosuppression, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, long-term or recent high dose corticosteroids, or has disease that is advanced enough to suppress resistance to infection, for example, leukemia, lymphoma, AIDS.
Type of immunosuppression:
- Aplasia: White blood cells less than 1000/mm3.
- Corticotherapy: Only if more than one month whatever the dose or more than 2mg/kg whatever the duration.
- HIV non AIDS : Positive serology without the criteria below.
- AIDS : Positive HIV serology associated with clinical complications such as pneumocystosis, Kaposi’s sarcoma, tuberculosis, or toxoplasmosis.
➕ Photos with local signs ➕
Our catheter image bank is progressing well but we are asking you to collect EVEN MORE PHOTOS WITH LOCAL SIGNS.
Our algorithm needs this data to GROW 🍼 !
⚕️ More new hospital partners ⚕️
It is with great pleasure that we welcome the Victor Dupouy Hospital Center in Argenteuil, the ICM UNICANCER in Montpellier, the Atlantic Hospital Center and the Versailles Hospital Center in the DeepCath project!!! Welcome new investigators to this DeepCath adventure!
Do not hesitate to contact us to include your establishment in this V.I.P list with the signing of a unique agreement!
📑Important ETHICAL modification 📑
The CPP validated the new patient information note.
As a reminder, oral non-objection by the patient/relative is sufficient.
with mention in the medical file by the person taking the photo or the principal investigator of the site “patient.e included.e in the DeepCath study – no opposition collected”.
The signature at the bottom of the document has been removed. A clarification was also made concerning access to data in the event of withdrawal of the non-objection.
Patients will now have to make an explicit request that they wish to erase previously saved data.
An information note targeting relatives is also available for patients unable to issue their non-objection. However, this will be systematically sought when the patient is conscious again (an information note specific to this scenario is now available).
Documents to download directly fromhttps://deepcath.com .
➃ ✨ Encourage your network to participate in the DeepCath project ✨
Help us advance DeepCath by by sharing the link and talking about DeepCath around you:
https://deepcath.com .
You will find on this site all the information concerning the study as well as the link to create your DeepCath account, which is essential for taking the photos.